I saw a drama directed by Muriel Box. It gave more muscle to my belief that she was an under-appreciated, trailblazing director in Great Britain, one who should've been invited to come over here to the U.S and direct a Hollywood film. 1956's EYEWITNESS is a worthwhile thriller. It's a good B-movie, suspenseful and well-acted, directed by Muriel Box from an original story and screenplay by Janet Green. Just like in SIMON AND LAURA, television causes friction in a marriage. Young, charming Lucy comes home to find her husband surprising her with 21 inches of new entertainment. He purchased a television set on the installment plan. "We can't afford it," Lucy states. They have enough in their modest home being paid for in monthly payments. She wants them to be smarter about money. "I want us to pay our way," she says. Jay, her husband, is not quite taking her seriously. Frustrated, she storms out of the house for a walk in the night air to cool off and eventually goes to a local theater to see a movie. When Lucy is finished watching the film, she needs to make a phone call in the theater. On her way down a hallway to the phone, she sees an assault and robbery in action. The theater manager is being beaten and the two villains are taking the money from the safe in his office. Lucy sees the two criminals, they see her, and she flees. This scene was one of my favorites. I thought "Damn! This dame can run." Lucy, in pumps and carrying a purse, top speeds it down the hallway, down stairs and out of the theater with one of the hoods in hot pursuit. Unfortunately, she runs into the street and gets hit by a bus.
In Box's loopy comedy, CASH ON DELIVERY, we see Shelley Winters as the unmarried working woman who clashes with a sexist attitude towards women and money. Her uncle left her $2 million in his will but felt that a husband had to handle a woman's money. In EYEWITNESS, it's the wife who keeps the married couple's finances in check more so than the husband does. Muriel Box loved to focus on the female experience in her screenwriting and directing. Lucy is a loving, responsible and independent wife. She's not "the little woman." She's a voice of reason to her husband. She's a threat to two male criminals.
She's taken to a local medical center to recover from her concussion. She had no I.D. in her purse. The theater manager was shot and killed by the leader of the two robbers, so there's major police activity on the case now. The killer robber tells his nervous partner that they're safe "...unless the girl talks. If she dies, we're in the clear." The partner regrets the shooting. He just wanted enough money to move to New Zealand. When he realizes his crime boss plans to find the medical center, find the recuperating witness and kill her, he gets even more nervous.
Jay, the husband, seems a bit ineffectual without Lucy. He's worried that she hasn't returned. At a police station, it dawns on him that the young lady in the street accident could be Lucy. Cops give him the address of the medical center. Just in time too. She's regaining consciousness. The killer made his way into the facility. He knows where she is.

Just like CASH ON DELIVERY, this is another Muriel Box feature that runs only about 80-minutes. The fine cast doesn't have any British actors who were big stars to American audiences. If this EYEWITNESS screenplay had been at 20th Century Fox in the 1950s, the movie would've been a thriller starring Jean Peters or Jeanne Crain as Lucy. And the Hollywood studio would've assigned the project a male director. Spirited, smart Lucy Church was played by Muriel Pavlow. The actress passed away early this year at age 97. Michael Craig played Jay Church. He was seen opposite Julie Andrews as love interest in 1968's STAR!
Suspense, action, a little romance and a bit of humor to break up the tension. 1956's EYEWITNESS is another entertaining film from Britain's groundbreaking screenwriter and director, Muriel Box.
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